Commercial Photography Blog in NC

Neil Boyd is a commercial photographer in Raleigh NC. His work includes food photography, corporate head shots, product photography, architecture photography, event photography, advertising photography and lifestyle photography in Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill NC.


Why Every Agent Should Hire a Professional Real Estate Photographer

As a real estate agent, your job is to get your clients the highest value for their property in the shortest amount of time. The best way to do that is to work with a team of professionals who can lend their expertise to the different components that set the stage for a lucrative sale.

One of the first members you should secure for your team? A professional real estate photographer—and here’s why:

Get more attention for your online listing.

As prospective buyers are scrolling through the dozens of properties just like yours in the same area, you need something that will make your listing stand out. Professional quality photos that showcase what your home has to offer will draw the eye immediately. The more eyes you draw online, the more interest you’ll see in person.

Save the time it would take to do it yourself.

You need to focus your energy where you can make the most impact when it comes to selling a property. Let a professional who already has the know-how to showcase your home the best way possible and equipment to pull it off worry about the real estate photos. This will free up your time and effort to prioritize your listings, marketing, and showings.

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Sell properties faster.

The more interest a property generates from the outset, the faster it’s going to sell. Professional real estate photos will capture the attention of buyers right away and increase your chances of a quick sale. Plus, because your photos are likely to attract a greater number of buyers, the competition for your property will be higher and people will feel more compelled to put in an offer before someone else does.

Make more money now and in the long run.

The very first images buyers see of a property hold a lot of influence over perceived value. If your house or building looks more impressive in photos, buyers are going to think it’s worth more. This will result in higher offers and facilitate competition that drives up the final price. Not to mention, when your listings are selling faster and for more money, more people are going to want to enlist you to sell their property. Therefore, professional real estate photos are an investment that pays off in the short-term and long-term.

When you want to convince people that you’re the best agent to sell their home in Raleigh, you need to partner with the best real estate photographer in the area. At Neil Boyd Photography, we specialize in all areas of real estate photography, from interior to exterior, residential to commercial, and more.

Neil Boyd is also one of the only real estate photographers in Raleigh with a proven ability to artfully and skillfully incorporate lifestyle photography into his body of real estate work. Especially in higher-end markets, lifestyle images bring a unique human element to a real estate listing that paints a clear picture of the life potential buyers could be living in your property. Through these photos, buyers build a stronger emotional connection with your space and are more compelled to swiftly make a competitive offer.

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With his one-of-a-kind perspective and experience, Neil will deliver images that have your buyers paying not only for the value of the property, but for the value they see in the lifestyle you’re selling with it. Give us a call at 919-737-5609 to get started with a free quote for your project!